Learner Description: This site is intended for instructors new to Tulsa Technology Center (TTC) who are participating in face-to-face new teacher training workshops. These instructors often come to TTC directly from industry and may or may not have any background as an educator.

Instructional Methods

How do you impact students in your classroom? As an instructor and leader in your classroom, you impact students with:

How you deliver information in your classroom is just as important as the information itself. The instructional method you choose can make or break a lesson.

You will participate in a jigsaw activity to explore instructional methods commonly used career and technical education. In a jigsaw activity, groups of participants are assigned a piece of a larger topic (in this case instructional methods). Your group will research your assigned piece and report your findings to the entire training class. After hearing from all groups, you will have information about each piece and have a better understanding of the overall topic.


You have been divided into groups. Review the Web site resources listed below for your group. As your group researches your assigned instructional method, answer the following questions:

After researching, your group should discusses your findings amongst yourselves and create your presentation. You may use flipchart pages to record the key points of your assigned method. Each group will present its findings about the assigned methods to the rest of the training class. Be sure to take notes on each presentation to take back to your classroom!

Instructional Methods Jigsaw
Group Instructional Method Resources
Group 1 Cooperative

20 Collaborative Learning Tips and Strategies For Teachers

Cooperative Learning in the Classroom: How To Do It

NEA Research Spotlight on Cooperative Learning

Group 2 Discussion

Effective Classroom Discussions

Discussions as a Skill - Not a Technique

Tips on Leading an Effective Discussion

Group 3 Demonstration

Demonstration Definition

Classroom Demonstrations: Learning Tools or Entertainment?

Classroom Demonstrations