Art Deco in Tulsa

Watch this YouTube video to get a feel for the diverse art deco architecture that adorns Tulsa.

The art deco architecture in Tulsa encompasses three styles, the zig zag, WPA, and streamline. For this virtual tour, we will travel around Tulsa to view a representative structure in each of the three styles.

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Boston Avenue Methodist Church

The Boston Avenue Methodist Church is an architectural jewel in downtown Tulsa, located at 1301 South Boston. The church was built in 1929 in the zig zag style and has been designated as a National Historic Landmark.

Boston Avenue Methodist Church facade

Tour the Building to further explore the beauty and meaning of the architecture of the Boston Avenue Methodist Church.

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Tulsa Fairgrounds Expo Square Pavilion

The Tulsa Fairgrounds Expo Square Pavilion is a breathtaking public building, located at 4145 East 21st Street. The pavilion was built in 1932 in the WPA style and is revered for the colorful, highly stylized terra cotta reliefs around the roofline that depict various livestock on a flowered background.

Expo Square Pavilion facade

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Whentoff Residence

The Whenthoff Residence is a private home, located at 1142 South College Avenue. This home was built in 1935 in the streamline style, evoking the feel of a ocean liner - complete with porthole windows and a ship-inspired balcony.

Whenthoff Residence

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More Art Deco in Tulsa

Check out the Tulsa Preservation Commission list of art deco buildings for more information on the distinctive architecture of Tulsa.

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